Frequently Asked questions


How do I apply?

You can apply online only through  during our call for entries period. Usually Fall for our Los Angeles event and Spring for our Philadelphia event.

If I enter one of the festivals, can I get into both?

No…Each festival is a separate entity. They do share the same name, but each festival exhibits a new batch of finalists. You can enter the same project into both festivals, but only during the call for entries period for each.

Once I become an Official Selection, then what?

Since FirstGlance™ is a competitive festival in which the audience votes at the screenings, we encourage all our finalists to promote your project however you’d like. Once we announce you as an Official Selection, we will notify you by email and include many ways of helping to promote your project along with the festival. We offer many filmmaker co-op advertising opportunities including a trailer network to ten of the biggest streaming sites, starting a Facebook group, Twitter account, buying ad space on our homepage, we also provide on our website current links to local press and other ways of branding and co-promoting your title.

Can I link my website to FirstGlance?

Yes…we are always looking to expand our FirstGlance Community. Within the next year we will be doing some massive and incredible upgrades to the site, including filmmaker websites and an expansive FirstGlance Alumni page. Click on our links page and grab either banner for your website.

Can I sell my project on your site?

Not Currently, we are working on distribution for shorts and features and hope to have a white label page on a platform soon.

Can I get FirstGlance to come to my university?

Sure can!! We would love to come and spend the weekend at your college or university and exhibit the winners of both FirstGlance Los Angeles and Philadelphia. Just click on the Student Coordinator link and find out how.

Why don’t I receive snail mail information on the festival?

FirstGlance asks that you keep a valid email address, so we can send you the information via the internet. Since we have two festivals each year, a lot of information goes out and email is the most immediate, responsive and green. If you don’t have an email account, feel free to stop by the site on a monthly basis and check the headlines for the festival you are interested in participating in.

I am an out of town guest, where can I find accommodation?

The hotel price comparison website trivago can be checked for information on accommodation facilities around both our locations. Click here to access their website.

What formats do you exhibit? And what formats for prescreening?

For Exhibition, Los Angeles is DCP ONLY. In Philadelphia, DCP ONLY!