Her Side of the Bed- Bryn Woznicki
Monsoon- Miguel Duran
Regionrat- Javier Reyna
Stuck- Jillian Armenante
Hide in the Light- Michael McGregor
30,000 Days- Tiffany Shlain
Fight Like a Boss- Daniel Pineros
Living on a Dollar A Day- Thomas Nazario
The Debut- Matthew Conrad
12.12.12.- James Crisp
A Timely Gift- Paireac Keane
Born Again Sinner- Eduard Gudakov
EverLife- Steven Wilson
Evoke- Asia LeMasters
How to Be Lonely and Depressed- Scottie Bahler
Humble Pie- Ben Watts
Lily’s Secret- Emanuele Michetti
Monday- Dinh Thai
Protagonist- Alec Roth
Rainmaker- Kristen Hester
Sac De Merde- Greg Chwerchak
Saviors- Chris Gallego Wong
Soul of Steel- Alexandre Bilardo
The Case Against Mr Sheppard- Jorge Barboza
The Girls Were Doing Nothing- Dekel Berenson
The Wait- Eric Du Bellay
View- Gabriel Gallindo
We Know Where You Live- Honora Talbott
Shorts Too
Dr. Mantis- Brandon Mikolaski
Paula-Julia Pasternak
Send Us Smokes- Michelle Kee
Subculture- Jason Kartalian
The Accomplice- Jon Hoeg and John F. Beach
Two Balloons- Mark Smith
Web Series
Filth City- Andy King
Played- Jay Ferguson
The Big Nothing- Lucy Campbell
Welcome to Surrey- Kashif Pasta
Student Directed
Eggs, Zombies & Bacon- Sherry Y. Shi
Shieldmaiden- Benjamin Janicki
The Dollhouse- Kyra Gardner
Music Videos
I Hurt You- Stacey K. Black
Mission to Mars- George Pasles
The Sleeping Beauty- Fabio D’Andrea